Plywood’s Layers program is for leaders who want guidance and community as they grow to the next level.
New groups starting March 2025
A thriving leader is key to a thriving organization.
Layers brings a group of 10-12 leaders together each month to think strategically about how to grow to the next level across 10 key areas of running an organization.
Program participants set personal goals, learn from a thought-provoking curriculum, and navigate tough decisions with the help of advisors, facilitators and peers.
By implementing goals and thinking strategically throughout the program year, you’ll develop your approach to building awareness, systems, partnerships, your team and more.
You will broaden your network and your perspective. You’ll be a part of a connected community of fellow social impact leaders.
How it works:
LENGTH: Monthly Sessions from March 2025 through March 2026
LOCATION: Sessions alternate monthly between virtual and in-person at Plywood Place, 933 Lee Street, Suite B-1, Atlanta, GA 30310
SESSION LENGTH: In-Person Sessions are 3 hours, Virtual Sessions (Zoom) are 2 hours
COHORT SIZE: 12 leaders (maximum)
FORMAT: Facilitated group discussion
EXPECTATION: 1-2 hours of pre-reading, reflection questions and activities. Attendance at the retreat and 90% of the sessions
COST: $230/month for 12 months ($2760) or $2500 up-front
*A limited number of partial scholarship spots are available to reduce the cost by 50%. You can request consideration for a scholarship on the application, if you submit by March 1, 2025 for the March 2025 cohorts.
In-person: 9am - 12pm, virtual: 10am - 12pm
March - Kick off (in-person)
April - The Future (in-person)
May - Business Models (virtual)
June - Leader (in-person)
July - Systems (virtual)
August - Awareness - Retreat
September - People (virtual)
October - Cash (in-person)
November - Culture (virtual)
December - Engagement (in-person)
January - Partnerships (virtual)
February - Executive Table (in-person)
March - Closing (in-person)
Curriculum covers 10 core areas for building the capacity of your organization with lessons from seasoned leaders, reflection questions and activities to help you apply concepts to your own work.
1-on-1 Coaching
Each participant will get an opportunity to have a 1-on-1 coaching session with a hand-picked advisor as well as coaching to prepare for the Executive Table Pitch at the end.
Peer Community
Learn alongside fellow leaders facing similar challenges and questions as they grow their organizations. Get feedback and support from one another and choose a topic to share a “Hot Take” on lessons you’ve learned along the way.
Pitch Experience
Share your vision to a room full of executives, investors, and advisors to get feedback and attract new people into your work.
Overnight Retreat
Get away with the cohort for a deep dive on the unique challenges and opportunities facing each member and get feedback from peers and advisors.
Next Steps:
Schedule a call to determine if Layers is a good fit for you!
Apply to Join a Group March 2025
(Apply by March 1, 2025, if requesting a 50% scholarship)
What people are saying.
“Layers has been a gift to my soul & my business. It blows me away that we are building businesses in different industries, of different sizes, with different goals and life circumstances... and yet I leave every month bursting with motivation and actionable steps to solve whatever challenge I’m facing.”
— Taylor Curry
“Ever since joining my Layers group, it has been incredibly valuable to my development and refreshment as a leader. I’m constantly challenged, encouraged, and supported by my fellow Layers members. I would be much less effective or content as a leader without this community.”
— William Warren / The Sketch Effect
“I can confidently say that without these consistent voices speaking into both my business and into my life, I would not have a thriving business! Joining this group has been my wisest business decision from the last 3 years.”
— Laura Balfour / Fleecher Designs
Frequently Asked Questions:
For 2025, Layers Groups will start in March and again in October. To get on our contact list for groups starting in the fall, sign up here.
Layers takes about 3-6 hours per month including a 2-3 hour session and around 1-2 hours a month to prepare for the session with the reading, reflection questions and activities. There is also one 24-hour retreat. The impact of Layers will be integrated and reflected in the work you do throughout the month. You can also connect with the facilitator and group members for questions, ideas, and feedback along the way.
Yes, but it may look a bit different from others. The Layers structure and curriculum is intended to help leaders think through and learn practical strategies for growth, whether they are the founder of a start-up, a new leader of the organization or entering into a new phase of operating. The program gives leaders a space to plan for growth, a cohort of peers and access to experienced advisors including a “pitch” type experience at the end. Leaders that participate in Layers have a focus beyond profitability and so success may also include growing impact, creating a healthy work culture or more sustainable rhythms. We focus on creating a space not just to receive information, but to have a community to process and define how you want to develop as a leader.
Good question! We define a Social Impact Leader as someone who uses their unique skills and influence to create positive change and make the world better. This includes entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, creators, educators, influencers, operators, managers, funders, community leaders, and everything in between.
Yes! As a nonprofit, we fundraise to provide partial scholarships for our programs. For groups starting in March 2025, we have an additional section on the application to apply for a scholarship. All scholarship applications need to be submitted by March 2, 2025 to be considered. The scholarship is for 50% of the program cost and can be paid upfront for an additional discount or paid monthly.
I’m glad you asked! It depends… We’ve had several people who live a short drive from Atlanta participate and come to Atlanta for the in-person sessions every other month. However, if we get enough interest, we’d like to create a virtual Layers group starting in March of 2025. So, if you are interested in an all-virtual group indicate that in your Layers Application form and we’ll follow up!
Yes! Many solopreneurs participate in our Layers groups. Sessions on building a team and culture can translate to the people you work with even if they are not full-time or on your payroll. When you’re solo, it can be especially helpful to have a place to talk through your business decisions.