Jeff and André Shinabarger
Andre Shinabarger is an adventurer who loves travel and seeing the world. Born in Bolivia she has a deep passion for cultures and for building community within marginalized people groups. She has been married to Jeff for 16 years all while keeping alive two fun, crazy kids: Jada and Neko. By day, she works for Grady Memorial Hospital in downtown Atlanta serving the poor and uninsured as a Physician Assistant. She is also the founder of Gift Card Giver, and an advisor to Plywood People. Jeff Shinabarger is a social entrepreneur, the founder and executive director of Plywood People, the author of More or Less and Yes or no and creator of Path by Plywood, a six week community driven learning experience that challenges ideas and brings them to reality. Jeff has a vision to make Atlanta the center for social innovation, while personally engaging in over 350 problem solving start-ups. His work has been featured on CNN, USA weekend, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Huffington Post, Christianity Today, Relevant Magazine, and the Chicago Sun Times. He is the co-founder of Q, and creatively led Catalyst for 8 years. We have been married for 16 years and our desire is to stay in a committed relationship until our last days on earth. Andre is a Physician’s Assistant and has a heart for serving the underserved in our communities with medical attention and for the last 10 years has been serving in a neighborhood clinic through Grady Hospital. Jeff is a social entrepreneur, has written two books and is the founder of Plywood People, a non-profit in Atlanta that leads a community of start-ups doing good. We haveboth have been given amazing opportunities to live out our purpose in society and gained incredible influence in real people’s lives along the journey. And we have two kids ages 4 and 7 - Neko and Jada.We love each other, love our kids, and love our work. We want to live on purpose and raise our family - we want to do it all. But, if we are really honest, it’s really hard to juggle all of it. We are not the only people that struggle through this tension. In leading a community that has launched nearly 400 projects helping others, we have noticed one of the great tensions as we mentor and consult these friends on is how their dreams impact their relationships.